25 Jan 2010

Tauba Auerbach (Research)

Letters as Numbers ii

Tauba Auerbach is an American artist who uses typography in her work.
i particularly like these pieces of hers as they present type in an un-obvious way- the viewer cannot initially recognise the letters although the shapes appear familiar.
Only with the help of the work's title or after a while can the viewer piece the shapes into an alphabet or number order.
i like how she has dissected the typeface to show the bare components, you can recognise a uniformity to all of the letters this way, showing that this alphabet is made up of very limited forms.

Lowercase Components

I think this work shows a link to the exploration of semiotics and plays with the ideas of codes and secret messages- almost unreadable type. She is trying to strip the function of the type itself.

Ambo Dextro

In this piece Auerbach has reconfigured a typewriter so that the letters typed do not correspond with the letters on the keys. The use of the typewriter has connotations of the 'engima machines' designed for the encryption and decryption of secret messages during WWI. I think i am interested in her work because it combines typography and art with maths and science.

British Enigma Machine

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