8 Feb 2010

Update (Idea's & Experimentation)

After a lengthy meeting today we have decided on a route to follow for the course of the project.

Here is the brief we have written:


We are proposing to create a series of situational, contemporary typography pieces focusing on proverbs. The way in which these proverbs will be realised and placed will be determined by the content of the proverb itself. By placing these pieces of contemporary typography out in the environment we will be aiming to comment on aspects of society and modern day life.

The proverbs will be created in an installation fashion and then photographed in the studio to turn them into posters. Potentially screen-printing the photographs. These images will then be placed in appropriate places and photographed again to create our final pieces.

• A bad penny always turns up
• A drop of ink may make a million think
• A hairy man is a happy man. A hairy woman is a witch
• A leopard cannot change it’s spots
• The exception that proves the rule
• A small spark makes a great fire
• An apple a day keeps the doctor away
• Art has no enemy but ignorance
• Dead men tell no tales
• Curiosity killed cat
• Different strokes for different folk
• Easy-Peasy
• Gut no fish until you get them
• Great oaks of little acorns grown
• The proof of the pudding is in the eating
• He who lives by the sword dies by the sword
• When life gives you Lemons make Lemonade
• If the cap fit’s wear it
• If you lie down with dogs you will get flea’s
• It take’s two to tango
• Kill two bird’s with one stone
• One mans meat is another mans poison
• Life is not all bear and skittles
• Never play leapfrog with a unicorn
• Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.
• East is east and west is west.
• The cobra will bite you if call it cobra or Mr. cobra.
• Pot calling the kettle black
• Too many cooks spoil the broth.
• Like flogging a dead horse

We are excited with this concept and are looking forward to developing it over the following weeks.

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